! Joel Grueberman: March 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Where does the time go?

Click here to take my Online Golf Survey

And once you've done that, see if you might have made a good medieval soldier. Or if you should just stick to golf.
SO... its been more than a month. And "what has happened ?" you might be thinking, or perhaps you are thinking I'm dead... if that's the case, none of you are trying very hard to find out.
I am not Dead.
However, since my last post some one did kill the Mayor's wife. Its put our little dorf on the map at least for the 5 seconds it got on the national news.
Its been a little bit odd really. It was big news for a few days but now the pace has slowed and I think a lot of people have just gone on without much thought to the fact that a "high profile" person in this community has been murdered. (Especially since the police haven't made any statements.)
I have been busy with my research and with feeding Ma and Pa. I have been at the gym 6 days a week and I took up ice hockey after about a year off. I am studying Greenkeeping and Horticulture which means alot of reading and I planted a(n) herb garden.
At work I am Project Leader for a seminar of Youth at Risk (18-30 year olds) and how to better prepare them for life. I also had to write a comprehensive résumé and it turned out to be 8 pages.