! Joel Grueberman: I feel like I just shot Old Yeller...

Monday, July 30, 2007

I feel like I just shot Old Yeller...

So here it is... I have been way from the blog but its not like I have been taking a mental break. I just had to have some me time. I needed to make some decisions that were pressing on my mind and to day I made a big one. At least I think I did...
As you know if you check out this blog even semi-regularily I have been debating what to do with my life and looking at a few options like getting a job with a company and devoting my life to the status quo or rolling the dice on starting my own business. I have also tempted myself with the idea of going back to school. The main difference from when I went to school the first time and this time is experience... a.k.a. the stuff you learn by screwing up a lot.
The experience of the first go-round taught one big lesson: Debt Sucks!

If you can avoid debt I would highly recommend it. I dreamt yesterday of the day that I will be out of debt. I might just take up travelling on a shoestring, like a hobo. Why? Because I could, the bank would no longer look for its pound of flesh once a month. I would be free... not unlike an ex-con breathing free air for the first time in years. Really, what difference is there? in one: you make a stupid mistake for reasons that seem acceptable at the time, they assign you the terms of your penalty and then they give you a number... in the other its all that and a free stress ball for signing up. What kind of sick sense of humor is that, why don't they just shake your hand and say "Welcome to Hell!!".

So we come to Old Yeller:
I just effectively ended my application to go to Journalism Arts at SAIT in Calgary. The reason for this decision is that it is looking highly unlikely that I will get a grant to study. That would mean that I would need to take out a student loan, meaning that I would be digging the debt hole all the deeper. I just spend the last 8 years filling in that cavity. Plus I found out that my application for Housing hit a snag, it turns out that because of the never-ending housing boom, coupled with the never-satisfied labour shortage, my apartment will not be finished and I will have no where to live. Not a good thing in Calgary, especially as a student.
So despite being accepted for Journalism school, I will have to do like the they do at the Oscars and say that its nice just to be nominated and bow out this time.

Thats not to say that I am done with writing, the good thing about Old Yellow dogs is that if you have to shoot one, you can always get another one. (I think I just lost the sentimental folks) I am already planning my novel attempt for November.


Blogger Roy said...

Is this novel attempt writing a novel, or novel as in unique?

Now what?

4:04 PM  
Blogger April said...

Hey Joel, good luck on all your efforts for the future. If you want to get rid of debt once and for all I know a buddy who can help you... check out... http://www.daveramsey.com/
I hope that helps!

1:50 AM  
Blogger thegermanygirl said...

Hey Joel,

I'm sorry about school and the whole debt hoopla. I've been there, too--with the debt hoopla, that is--and I can highly recommend April's Dave Ramsey recommendation. Wow. I sound like a get-rid-of-your-addiction commercial. "Hi, my name is Courtney, and I'm a debt-aholic. But Dave Ramsey helped me, and he can help you, too!"

How the mighty have fallen. ;oD

Seriously, though...Ramsey's ideas are valid and scriptural and worth looking into.

As for shooting Old Yellow dogs....what you said made me laugh a lot. I think I'll immortalize that sentence in my quotes collection, if you don't mind.

I'm looking forward to having you as a NaNo buddy again this year! Though I'll be moving across the world during November, so I'm not sure how writing is going to work out. I'll just hafta play it by ear. I don't even have an idea yet. I hope you're further along than I am.

Later dude. Say hi to Cananada for me.


3:30 PM  
Blogger Kelly ... said...

My new doctor is named Dr.Muller. He has an excellent beard. you may be cousins or illegitimate brothers. Either way, keep on keep'en on.

Did the camry survive the hail storm? Please lord let the answer be yes......

7:28 AM  

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