! Joel Grueberman: On my birthday

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

On my birthday

This day in history: the birth control pill was formally introduced for sale. Fortunately for me, NO SALE.

Yes today was my birthday. It all started... no not that story. This morning I showed up to work with a box of Tim Horton's donuts. Which I know in North America, its common for other people to provide a cake. But I like the German tradition of "Its your birthday, why should I care?" I know its not marketed that way, but it makes sense. If you want people to celebrate with you, bring cake. If you want to be left alone, eat your cake in private, sitting in the dark, crying about your age. Its really up to you.

Anyway, needless to say they ate the donuts despite the obvious cultural faux pas.

And then we went mini-golfing. Or crazy golfing as I am finding out it is called in other parts of the world. Although I think putting a little wooden border around the short grass shows an awful lot of mental capacity. More so than searching for a little white ball in the rough, whilst foaming at the mouth and cursing under your breath, despite the fact that you put it there. And then to top it all off you go and do it repeatedly the whole time telling yourself that your having fun. Yup thats sanity.

Anyway, to top off the day. I fixed my new car. (Not too often that sentence happens) The car that I got for $1, from a friend who left town in a hurry, wouldn't start. My dad and I towed it home and puzzled over the possible cause of its untimely death. After consulting a manual borrowed from a former Toyota mechanic and several head scartching results of the misinterpretations of the manual that covers every engine ever made by Toyota and several misfiring rough running oopses... Tonight I put the key in and hoped and Eureka! It started and ran like a Toyota!!

So that was my day. I got beat in putt putt but now my car no longer makes that sound.

Thanks to everyone who remembered and said hey. If you missed it, see you next year and remember I'll be the one with the cake.


Blogger thegermanygirl said...

Dude. Ed and I both LOLd (is that a word?) over the banjo player joke. Yeah, it took me forever to find cartoon characters that looked like us....but whaddaya know, Hallmark insists on using our likenesses. ;o)

This year, I threw myself a Birthday Coffee two weeks after my birthday because I spent my birthday at the doctor's office. I had a virus. What a way to turn 30, eh? ;o) Good for you on the cultural faux pas. ;oD

3:59 AM  
Blogger The Raabs said...

Well, I wasn't there and I didn't get any donuts - what's the deal??? If you can fix a car you can certainly figure out how to get some donuts where they need to be :-)
Congrats and enjoy driving (or is it putt-putting?)

1:13 PM  

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