! Joel Grueberman: I must apologize...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I must apologize...

It seems that my last blog entry was one, although clearly graphic in its attempt to convey the honest facts, deemed by some... ok by most to be over the top.

To that end: I apologize.

Update: I am feeling much better. I feel like I will be up and going again within the week. The horrible rash and the stinging pain are all but gone, but I am still taking painkillers because I'm a big baby.

Boredom is the reason for the topic of this blog. I did something while I was sick that may shock even more than the textbook style pictures of my last posting. Sensitive viewers may wish to avert their eyes:

In case you're no good at this I will tell you. I shaved. I have had a beard or at least some form of facial hair since the second semester of grade 12. I grew a beard for the Musical at Western in which I played the Wazir. Briefly while I worked at Safeway, I had to shave, but basically for at least the last 10 years I have had a beard and in a moment of boredom while standing at the bathroom mirror, I wondered what I would look like with a fu manchu. It wasn't pretty.

So I decided to go all the way. Some might ask,"Why did you stop there? Why not shave your head as well?" To those I say,"I wasn't that bored."

So now I poll the public... "To beard or not to beard?"

(the third picture group up there shows at least one occasion when my sisters got bored and I bore the brunt.)


Blogger The Raabs said...

I'm trying to decide if you look younger or more mature (don't ever say "older" of course). I recognized you in any case.
And I must admit that I have had this same urge at times and wonder at your nerve (or stupidity?) at having taken the step. My children have never seen me without facial hair (other than in old pictures). I think they would freak out.
This is nowhere near as bad as the last pics ;-)
(aizorjqk - the word verification for this post and the sound you might have made when you saw yourself after finishing the butcher job)

8:00 AM  
Blogger thegermanygirl said...

Well, I'm very late commenting, but here are my two eurocents anyway:

At least this time, I wasn't the one who cut your hair. ;o)

I like your kid pics! Too cute! I'm going to have to post a link to my Flickr site soon, where I also have pics from my babyhood. (I wanted to have the whole site completely updated before the "grand unveiling"...but don't think I'll have time to perfect it all. Oh well.)

Anyway....how's life in Cananada? Are you over the icky rashiness (rashy ickiness?)? How are your folks? What's this I hear about your coming to Europe?

3:14 PM  

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