! Joel Grueberman: November 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

more nano

“Ma’am, you can’t go in there!” a man shouted.
“What do you mean ‘I can’t go in there’? My son is in there. I’m not afraid of you; now get out of my way.” There was a period of silence and then the door opened and in walked the one person that Dave did not expect to see: Meredith. She covered her mouth and tried to stifle a scream when she saw him, she rushed to his bedside, the tears already beginning to fill her beautiful blue eyes.
“Dave? What did they do to you?” She reached out to touch him but when she saw the wrappings on his body she only hovered over him with her hands. She found his fingers and gave them a light squeeze. “Son, say something.”
“You look good, mom.” He croaked from his dry throat.
“Forget about me. What’s going on, Dave? Why are they guarding your room? What happened to you?”
“It’s a long story. You wouldn’t believe. I’m not sure I believe me.” She looked at him as if to say that she wasn’t going anywhere so he better start talking. Dave began to tell her everything that had happened from the time that he got on the airplane. He would pause when she would gasp or sigh, but she would always prod him to continue. Soon Dave was tired of talking and Meredith had used up all the tissues in a large box at the bedside. There was a long period of silence and then a thought crossed Dave’s mind.
“Mom, where am I?”
“This is a hospital… in Key Largo.”
“Key Largo?” Dave was shocked. His flight was supposed to leave Bogatá and arrive in Miami.
“How did I get here?”
“The police brought you here. You didn’t have any ID so they put you here as a John Doe.”
“How did you find me?”
“We’ve been trying to get information from the government about why they had stopped looking for you. They stopped returning my calls so I started to call around. Ryan’s mother gave me the number of his production company. I talked to real nice girl on the phone. She said she would call me if she heard anything. I got a call three days ago. She said that you had been booked on a flight to Miami, so I came to meet you, maybe bring you home…” She trailed off.
“But I never came.”
“No I waited for an hour but you never appeared so I asked the airline. The lady at the desk said that you were on the plane. When I asked why you hadn’t gotten off the plane she called her manager. She came back and told me that she was mistaken, that you had never gotten on the plane. I knew something was wrong because she seemed upset, like somebody had frightened her. I called your uncle Al and he made some calls. I went to the hotel and waited; he called me and said that a buddy of his in a K-9 unit in Key Largo had forwarded him a video of a crazy person getting tackled by a police dog. He recognized your face and he called me…” She stopped when she saw the look on his face.
“What’s the matter?”
“Do you think I’m crazy?”
“Oh no, son, that’s just the video.”

Saturday, November 17, 2007

What I have been doing instead of blogging

He heard the dripping of water and felt the humid breeze against his face. It rained in the jungle, at times Dave was sure the jungle was rain mixed with the odd sunny break when the water that had fallen would steam up into the canopy. He heard voices and he looked around to see where they were coming from but he couldn’t see anyone.

Then he found himself standing across from Ryan; he barely recognized his friend. The Guerilla soldiers had not gotten the answers that they wanted and his showed. It was Dave’s fault, although Ryan would never say that, but Dave knew that if he had never mentioned this stupid idea to his friend, then at least the good chance existed that only Dave would have been in this predicament. Ryan’s face was badly bruised and his left eye was swollen shut… but that was not the worst. The worst had just begun.

A flock of birds launched from the trees and began to swirl above his head and dove closer and closer. The air was filled with sound of beating wings. The sky grew dark and the ground began to shake with small tremors. Dave looked and could see Ryan, but he could no longer see his face, only a blank space where it had once been. He called out but his voice fell only inches from his mouth. Ryan’s body was limp in the grasp of his torturers. The sky grew darker and the noise grew denser and pressed in against him. The birds flew so close to him that he could feel their wing tip brush against his skin, gently at first and then a large black bird with a silver beak and blood red eyes slashed his arm; its wingtip was razor sharp and fountain of blood gushed from the gash in Dave’s arm. The blood flowed freely like it would never run out and Dave looked down to see where he had been wounded but he felt no pain. Instead he heard a scream pierce through the swirling of the cyclone of feathered wings glinting with there silver tips. He turned his head toward the scream and suddenly he realized that the scream came from the only feature he could recognize on his friend’s face. He strained to move closer but his feet felt like lead. He looked down and his legs now looked like the tree trunks of the jungle around him, the razor wings began to hack away him like a million axes chopping at a tree. He could see his body being pared down and he could do nothing about it and yet he felt no pain. Dave could still see Ryan and he could hear his screams but he couldn’t understand what he was saying, but it seemed that he was directing his rage at Dave.

Dave strained to move but couldn’t, he tried to reach for Ryan he found that his arms where now bloody stumps; he screamed but the sound that heard was not his own voice but the screech of a great bird and then the sky exploded…

Dave woke with a start. The peal of thunder shook the aircraft and Dave looked around and realized where he was. He could see that all was not right, the passengers where tense and the flight attendants where huddling near the intercom hoping that no one would look to them for help.

The storm that the pilots had originally tried to avoid had backtracked and now they found that they could not avoid it and now they found themselves flying into the belly of the beast. The pilot came on the intercom and tried calm the passengers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007