! Joel Grueberman: January 2007

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

(Insert Creativity)

So I figured I better write something. I would say that I should write before people give up on me and stop visiting. I'm afraid that moment has passed.
I haven't written anything for about a month because (cue lame excuse) Christmas was too much for me.
Anyway, Dad is doing good. He got his latest tests that show his White Blood Cells have returned to normal following two go-rounds with chemo. Some of the numbers are still a concern but the obvious signs that he is well enough to be stir-crazy is that I came home for lunch to find him mapping out the entire electrical system for the house. He was going to the breaker box and turning of a breaker and then going around plugging in the coffee grinder to see if he had power. Just when I needed the microwave he was testing that general vicinity. Halarity ensued.

My Entrepreneurship Project is also going well. I can spell entrepreneur on the first shot now.

Well, I have to go do my other job now. Making Supper. Its chicken stir fry tonight!



Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dave's on Youtube!!!

So its finally here. Dave is now in Cyberspace! I know I have posted my dad in pictures but today is similar in scope to Lumiere's first short film in Paris. Because its Dave on Youtube!!!

Good news to report about Dad:

After his first week of Chemotherapy, his numbers are very much improved. Which is probably a very good thing because it's Christmas after all, or it was. In other words the season where people get in their cars and drive long distances in less than perfect weather to bring viral diseases from far off lands. All the holiday hubbub has resulted two people in the house coming down with a flu in our stomachs and heads. Myself included: Bah Flu bug!