! Joel Grueberman: August 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Warning: Blog may offend

I apologize.

I apologize for being so edgy. I guess I've been a little stressed out this summer. I haven't written in my blog for a while because I didn't think anything that I would write would uplifting or helpful. Turns out I was right.

I took a shot at Americans in my last blog, two Americans whose company I enjoy very much. If I had to go to another planet and I could only take two americans, these two would easily be top ten. You have to understand, that it is very Canadian to jab Americans when we can. Its in our very nature, we watch the american news and tv from a young age. Did you know most internal Canadian humor is taking potshots at the U.S.? (not Jim Carrey, he's external) Many of us know americans and at some level are americans ourselves. How chilling is that?

Before that I took aim at Celebraties... which I think someone should do. Now the emmy's are coming and I see no better time for a pre-emptive strike... oops their showing a 9/11 doc on CBC. Thats the Canadian Broadcasting Company, legitimate cover for the nation's mind control ministry. I guess thats seeping in...

You know, Americans shouldn't feel bad. Its not as if its Joe Public americans fault for anything thats blamed on Americans. The problem is that it gets on TV. TV that people actually watch. Its the politicians and the stupidy of power that should be blamed. The americans better get ready to shove cheek. Canada's causing a stink in Afghanistan. And our soldiers are starting to come home in boxes. So Michael Moore will make a documentary about the menacing northern mauraders disguised as peacekeepers killing brown men in foreign lands.

Warning: The offensiver part
Has anyone tried getting these people drunk?
I've heard the Taliban, Al qaeda and muslims in general don't drink. It seemed that before the adjective American was applied to white people, they were all brown natives causing trouble fighting and terrorising. But then came the booze with the whites and a little time. And then voila... see how that turned out?

Now I can't recommend that... its just a thought. If your offended by that think back to how you felt about people shooting and bombing those same people to death.

You know, I wasn't going to write another offensive blog. It just seems to be a phase that I am in. I guess I'll just have to work through it. Hang in there... Ah I just pictured that little kitty in my head.

Well, its 7 minutes to midnight and I think we as a planet have proven that evolution is a hoax.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

just the facts

So I find it difficult to believe in the information age that the definition of an unknown word could remain a mystery. I harken, as only an old person can, to the days before the internet (no not the military internet, the internet that we the masses use. Like at least pre-1996. ) Anyway, I digress, in the time before google, (circa 199- b.g.) a person (older) might be heard to remark when asked for the definition of a word... "Look it up?"as they slid a massive red webster's collegiate edition in your (younger) direction with a slightly devilish grin.

But I will save you the trouble. An Inukshuk

By the way, Jennifer. Inukshuk is neither verb nor as you have requested of me is it reflexive. Although ideas of how it might be well thats the magic of open forums eh?

Given the general ignorance to the actual etymology of Inukshuk... I think, we have stumbled upon a breakthrough. A cultural gap that is being bridged. I find the fact that both of the people who have scratched their heads in wonder at this inocuous idiom are both American, of no importance whatsoever. Seriously...

If you find that offensive, I refer you to my mother's love.."oh, blow it out your ear!" Try it. It hurts.

There how's that for edgy?

Friday, August 18, 2006

A word of caution

Be careful. Be critical if someone who doesn't do it, tells you you'd be good at it. For obvious reasons. How old is Ed McMahon? He was older than dirt when I was a kid. Now I'm old. It hurts when I get up. And he is still shakin his money maker. Selling tubs...
Does anyone think that the little Cindy girl on the Dairy Queen commercials is evil?
See this is what you get when you ask for too much, too soon.
Just how many people read this blog anyway?
So I'm working on my attempt at the Nanowrimo (google it) , but I've kind of stalled. Anyway, this is an invitation to people to take a look at the idea and see if there is a story lurking inside them. So this is the beginning of 2 months of crazy hours and long days. Days that turn into weeks and loss of any kind of normal sleeping pattern.
If I'm not interested in doing this kind of work, why don't I quit? Is there such a thing as loyalty or is just being afraid to make waves?
So does anyone want to take a shot at what I would be good at? Don't worry I won't be overly critical... you might just make it into my novel...

I'm curious if you read this.. leave a comment. Any comment. Some kind of literal Inukshuk. So this person will know you were here.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

So I'm no powerblogger

I was informed by John* that I haven't blogged in a while and that it was distressing to him. So I guess I will, having been guilted into it. So here goes... (*its his real name.)
My last blog entry was in regards to my father, who has since been here to the GCA (Greater Calgary Area, I know its T.O. ripoff but I don't care) and had a pretty good time. We took a little trip down to Elbow Falls. Then we drove down the Powderface trail and for the first time in my life I saw my father take pictures. He's usually the one driving, so it was kind of odd. We survived the trail not recommended for travel and went as far as Kananaskis, so dad could see where I used to work.
They (mom and dad) took off pretty quick, because this was the end of a long road trip that started with a jaunt down to Ottawa, to visit my sister Rachael and her husband Maxim. Then they ripped over to Bozeman, Montana. Where I did the Cannonball run past Flathead lakes and reserves (reservations, for the Amis) and took my car to the top. Then when I got it back home, it promptly died. So I spent the next couple weeks trying to revive a car that should have a DNR order taped to the hood.

Well the news on Dave is that he looks good. Wait thats not news... no seriously he looks good. Judge for yourself...
We are still waiting to find out what the treatment will be but we have been blessed with many people's prayers and the constant support of our church family.

Anyway, in regards to how I feel. I'm just so happy that somebody finally confessed to that Jon Bennet Ramsey murder. At least that draws some attention away from poor Mel Gibson. Not to mention all the trouble they put Ms. Aniston through... is she getting married? Is she ever going to be happy again. Is it anyone's business?

I'm just out here working. For some reason, the TV people think I need to live a fantasy life through their infatuation with fame and the pitfalls of being human at the same time. I'm worried about the people who actually might be offended by the fact that I don't care about the people on TV. Well not really worried per se...

Well my battery is dying.. so I can't edit and save... its one or the other.