! Joel Grueberman: weekend update

Friday, October 13, 2006

weekend update

So not much to report. Well, thats not true, I'm just not sure I have time to sift through the details of my life. I did go to Lectureship at WCC and had a great time. Not sure I have ever said that before. May be there is something wrong with me. The speakers were quite good and I spent the whole time running into people that I hadn't seen in while.

The focus of the weekend has changed a little. They used to have a lot of speakers or so it seemed. Now they have backed that off a bit but they have added a serious missions emphasis. It almost feels like a mini missions workshop. This year I heard about the work being done in Ukraine from Mike Armour. It was amazing and because I've been in Estonia and East Germany, it was also close to my heart. House churches and camps... and the emphasis on treating new Christians as RTP (ready to preach) and the government being open to the freedom of religion.

Also, I have updated the settings on this blog and fixed some dead links. Now anyone can post a comment. I had been soliciting comments but I had the settings so that only bloggers could post. Kinda pulling a Henry Ford,' you can have any color so long as its black. ' And I have updated the Nanowrimo link. I do plan on participating this year. It seems that its always right when my life and my job situation are up in the air. Maybe turmoil makes for good writing. I also came up with a term for those people who don't have blogs but who read blogs: "Virblogins" (soft g) Maybe there is already a term, lurkers are in chat rooms and noobs are inexperienced LAN gamers. So far as I know a blogging hasn't been blessed with a predjudicial derogitory name so there's my contribution.

Anyway, all you bloggers and Virblogins, feel free to comment.


Blogger John, Angie and the kiddos said...

Tee Hee.


Like Virgins.

Only blogging virgins.

Tee Hee.


That was for all you slow lurkers who didn't understand the Virblogin joke.


8:21 AM  

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